Sunday, July 5, 2009

A thought on Diversity...

A quintessential symbol of diversity, I thought it was most fitting, of Friday's meeting, to discuss America from that quaint tapestry, and on the day before the Fourth of July. Diversity in America spans across an array of the very broad, such as gender and religion, to more diminitive subcultural divides like Emos and Trekkies. What is it, then, that we're suppose to learn from these differences. I'd like to think a sense of humor. Even so, it got me thinking... What if, hypothetically, diversity ceased to exist? Would that make us all the same? What if humanity, as we know it, is only as divided as the perception we have of it to be. (Star-spangled Banner theme music plays) What if every man, woman, and follower of leftist ideologies, alike, spoke the universal language of fellowship and we let those, seemingly different than ourselves, appeal to our human nature. Would we then let our fellow brother-from-another-mother suffer under the affliction of injustice and adversity. Independence Day is meant to commemorate the day American staked its claim of certain "unalienable rights", yet under the the same pretense didn't extend emancipation to slaves. Diversity, in this way, helps in realising our own prejudices and, ultimately, affords liberty and justice for all...

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